Moms Advice Magazine is a new online magazine with the option to be printed, that is here to support, encourage and create a communicating community amongst moms or anyone thinking of having children, a portal thats part magazine and part blog.
Mom's Advice Magazine will be the 1st interactive online magazine for moms!! Starting with our fall issue that will release in August.
The winner of this giveaway will receive 2 Bath Bomb Balls from Level Naturals.

The Bath Bombs will blow you away . . . not in the literal sense, but rather, in a relaxing, nurturing, take you away from your daily stress sort of way! It is a unique blend of oils, essential oils, and botanicals with a dash of water softening science all packed into a neat little ball. There is no boom in this bomb, but don't let that fool you, we packed a lot of love and natural goodness into these little guys. It's aromatherapy, it's moisture, it's decadence, it's pretty rad. It's all that and a bag of free-range and cage-free potato chips.
This giveaway will be open until Monday, July 11th and a winner will be randomly chosen. The winner's name will be posted as an update to this post, and the winner will be notified via email. This giveaway is open to US only.
To enter this giveaway just fill out the form below! Please only fill it out once per person! I made it very easy, because I know you are busy like I am! There are also several extra entry options you can choose to do! If you want an easy way to remember if you have entered or not, go ahead and leave a comment on this post to remind yourself!
Links to help you enter this giveaway:
Mom's Advice Magazine
Mom's Advice Magazine on Facebook
Mom's Advice Magazine on Twitter
Mom's Advice Magazine's Blog
Dibs! on Facebook
thanks for another great giveaway