When we started cloth diapering 2 years ago, we didn't have much extra money. My first 6 diapers were given to me by a stranger. We had found an ad in the classifieds here for 6 bumGenius 3.0 pocket diapers for $75. We went to check them out and my husband offered her $20 for one of them, just to try it out. (He is so cute and we were SO broke!) She GAVE them to us. Out of the blue. It was such a huge blessing. We fell in love with cloth diapering that week, and decided to take the plunge! My next batch of diapers came from an online friend. She surprised me with 3 more bumGenius diapers, an AIO, a few covers, and a few fitteds. We were even more hooked.
At this point I felt like pocket diapers were the best option for us, so we had a rummage sale to raise a little money. We bought 6 more pocket diapers with the proceeds. Looking back, I wish I would have known about flats or prefolds. I could have had a full stash much, much sooner for less money! Hindsight is 20/20, and I now know what to recommend to new cloth diapering mamas!

Our early stash.
What did your "early" stash consist of ?
If there are any topics you would like to see a post about, please let me know!
Prefolds and covers is what I used. I was unaware of pocket diapers, fitteds, AI1, AI2, etc. And thank you for writing a non giveaway post. It is nice to read things like this as well. If you happen to know anything about sunscreens that are effective but perhaps with fewer chemicals, I would like to start learning about those kind of products too.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
My "early" stash was way too much. I have since sold off a ton of it. I wanted to try everything but still bought the numbers recommend on the cloth diaper sites for each type... silly me. So I had 2 dozen prefolds in each size, 2 dozen pocket diapers, 2 dozen fitteds and a dozen flats (I guessed... correctly... that I wouldn't like these as much) So unlike most CDers I downsized as I learned more :)
ReplyDeleteThat is an excellent idea! I will work on getting something up about sunscreens. I am very picky about what I put on our skin. We have been using one I got at our local health food store. I will look into it more, than share about it! Thank you for your input! You are my first comment on my first real blog post. :)
ReplyDeleteI took me awhile to get some CD's -my old man wouldnt hop on the wagon. Also, It took me a while to find someone in town who sold cloth diapers,. When i did, i ventured out to her place- to her store in the back room. There, i bought 5 diapers! Two previously used Applecheeks (one of my fave brands) and 3 Tots Bots Easy Fits (Bummis i think). I loved CD's right away and started ordering different brands from online, joining Facebook groups, discovering blogs and giveaways..It's been quite a journey and i've loved EVERY second of it! I have since turned one friend on to cloth diapers. Hi. My name is Jeanette and i am a Cloth Diaper Addict, of 3 months so far!! (It feels like MUCH longer).
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading personal blog posts a lot. I would like to know more about midwifes, and natural parenting/lving. Midwifes are mysterious to me. And Im trying to convert to living a more natural lifestyle. Is hard. We are poor, and dont have a garden space. And we arent vegans. How else does one naturalize their lifestyles? Also, I like to hear about other peoples experiences in parenting, CD's, etc
ReplyDeleteAfter researching cloth diapers while I was pregnant, because I knew I wasn't going back to work and wanted to find ways to save money, I was so overwhelmed, but after my research I decided to go with fuzzibunz and as luck would have it kelly's closet had a big sale on them and I got a bundle of like 18 diapers when I was 6 months pregnant. I was curious about the others but didn't think I could afford them. Then I found all the wonderful cloth diaper addicts on Facebook and on blogs when my daughter was about 7 or 8 months old which educated me so much and I have been able to gradually expand to other diapers
ReplyDeletei like rainbows
ReplyDeleteMy early stash also consisted of diapers that were given to me by a friend. They were a mixed bag - a few fitteds, some prefolds, and a handful of pockets (mostly FBs). We loved the pockets and that's what we turned our whole stash into eventually. Then came baby number two who ended up having a PUL sensitivity. So I had to sell and trade all of the pockets to restash with fitted dipes and covers. Between that and my own craftiness, I was able to build a really nice fitted stash. If I had to start over again, I would definitely go the fitted route right from the start, making most - if not all of my own stash.
ReplyDeletePrefolds and covers most were given to me by a friend and from the thrift store I only perchased a few brand new!! that's all we could afford!!! I made my own wipes!!
ReplyDeleteI'm starting my stash right now. So far I have a couple AIO's about 5 pockets, and 4 covers that I still need prefolds for.
ReplyDeleteWhat would you recommend I have in my beginner stash? I was thinking just try a little of everything and see what I like. From everything I read it seems like everyone likes different things.
My early stash was Mommy's Touch touchtape AIO. I had a bunch of wicking with them so I sold them all and get BG 3.0s. I used those until my second daughter came along and I had to buy a few more diapers because my older was still in diapers. I then discovered the whole wide world of diapers and have tried a bunch of everything since then. My stash now is 90% Ragababe with a few other WAHM diapers. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm just starting my stash too! Right now I have 1 rumparooz that I love and 6 fuzzibunz. I have 3 bg and a rumparooz on the way from kellys closet and a free diaper hoping its another rumparooz! I got my first rumparooz free from there when I ordered some covers for the prefolds I got from cottonbabies as seconds. I hated them and went to sposies and use the prefolds for spit up. I'm ordering some other diapers next week and some joeybunz hemp inserts. Any suggestions on what other diapers I should try? I'm thinking blueberrys and maybe some cute fitteds (kiwi pie) for around the house.
ReplyDeleteLOVED your story! Here's mine: I ambitiously made a dozen or more new born size fitteds to put my brand new baby in(when he arrived). He grew out of them in less than a month! I had intended to make more diapers as he grew but as a new mom sewing quickly became that last thing on my list. All I had were 6 bumgenius a few goodmamas and no budget for more, I had to wash them everyday. Later I ordered some WAHM cloth diapers which turned out to be a scam, that was really hard. Then I traded for some fitteds from a lady on hyenacart and eventually saved up and switched to Fuzibunz pockets. Even with all the mistakes I've made I still came out ahead of what I would have paid in disposables.